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This page contains defensive or early publications of patent applications. All early publications have been made available to the public only after the inventor/s had applied for a patent at a patent office. The corresponding priority date is indicated next to each publication. The domain name earlypublication.com is for sale.

Patent application publications
The publication dates of patent applications published on EarlyPublication.com can be substantiated via the links listed below under sections "archive.org" (The Internet Archive) and "WebCite" (WebCite Consortium).

Priority Date
June 29, 2017 (filed at the UK Intellectual Property Office)

Publication Date
July 3, 2017 (published on EarlyPublication.com, Central European Time)

Full documents in PDF format: Description and Drawings

Documents at The Internet Archive: Description and Drawings
Documents at WebCite Consortium: Description and Drawings
A method for maximizing the display screen of a mobile electronic device is disclosed. The mobile electronic device, for example a smartphone, may have very thin or curved borders at the left edge, right edge, and top edge of device's display panel. To accommodate a front-facing camera in spite of an upper border that is too thin for a camera module and lens, at least one upper corner of the display panel may be cut out. The cutout may have a convex shape. The lens of the front-facing camera may be disposed at the location of the cutout. To compensate for invisible screen content in the region of the cutout, the layout of the screen content may be changed or rearranged, as long as the invisible screen content is essential. For this purpose, the elements displayed on the screen may be categorized by relevance.
The version history of of this page is available at The Internet Archive and WebCite Consortium .
Snapshot - July 1, 2017:
archive.org and WebCite
Snapshot - July 3, 2017:
archive.org and WebCite
Snapshot - July 6, 2017:
archive.org and WebCite
Snapshot - July 18, 2017:
archive.org and WebCite
Snapshot - August 25, 2017:
archive.org and WebCite